ELO Rating Estimator

Use this test to get an estimate of your ELO rating. Study each diagram for no more than five minutes, then make your move.

Each position in this page comes from real play by strong players. Beware, not all of these positions are wins for the side on the move, nor is the best move necessarily a brilliant one. Try to avoid "cheating" by thinking in terms of finding a combination: there may be none available. Instead, concentrate on the position, evaluate it and make the move you would play on the chess board in a real game. This will hopefully yield the most precise estimate of your ELO rating.

Some of these positions are pretty easy to play, but most of them are tough. Again, remember that these are real games between strong players. Even the losing side (when there was one) might have been of IM/GM strength...

You won't need special moves in these tests (like castling, en passant, or promotions).

Based on the Automated Chess Rating Utility. Powered by chessboard.js.

Your ELO Rating